Friday, 3 April 2015


Dear Deepika,

You are amongst the biggest names in the country today. We are well versed with you being the highlight of the Hindi film industry. Now I have some real issues with you. First being the controversy on your cleavage show by the Times of India, second your recent video for women empowerment by Vogue India. In both the cases I smell nothing but a rat. You come out with your sleazy movie songs, your cleavage being the focal point of attraction that is (not my observation but the obvious) and then u make a distinction between your professional and personal life. You call out the Times of India and tell them, 'yes I am a woman, I have breasts and that I am not ashamed'. Fair enough. But isn't your so called body the single point of attention at fashion shows and photo shoot's too? Remember Harper's Bazaar or Kingfisher Calendar Girl? You cross all the limits that are ceded in an anti-men campaign. This attempt at showcasing the downside of men and portraying them as the antithesis of the opposite sex like you are trying to be is appalling. Such a mediocre attempt at trying to cash on in your popularity. Second, your video for women empowerment “My Choice”.
I don’t remember the last time I had seen something as absurd as this. Full points to you on promoting a negative propaganda. Now, I am all for women empowerment but the video was like hypocrisy at its best. You talk about being caged, you speak up about your choices between what is right and what is wrong,your indifference's, your prerogative in huge depth. You say and I quote,”You were my choice and I am not a privilege". I mean what are you trying to convey, women are that rare diamond and men are all for nothing but leftover scrap. Why the fuck are u trying to incite hate?
You yell, 'my choice to have sex at all or not have sex or have sex in a marriage or outside a marriage'. What would u say when men do the same? , Going by your current theme, you would rip them apart to pieces judging them calling them a douche bag or Casanova. If u can do whatever you wish to, roam naked, call men a piece of shit, shout on top of your voice, 'my choice, my choice so can men'. You rant, 'it was my choice to pick u up from 7 billion choices'.Jeez, menopause seems to have struck you early. You advocate that women are the snowfall and not the snowflake. That we men, are only a choice. I mean how ridiculously you stereotyping men as anti-women.

Like all men aren’t the same all women aren’t too. Nobody is perfect. This incessant attempt to grab the attention of the elite in the society, craving for power, simply put up, disturbing. The noise which you made about being depressed as a public figure, I respect you for that. Depression takes some serious balls to speak on. Although moving on, many women might label me as an idiot, a scumbag, abuse me, call me a male chauvinist but unlike them there are many that might support me as well. Not all women agree with what you are trying to convey or force upon, simply put up.

Yes you empower women, respect them, treat them with dignity, let them be who they want to be :) But why the negation, why try to commercialize or glamorize the subject? Yes, men have been terribly at fault. Abusing women, hurling insults at them, molesting and raping them, It is indeed a serious matter I am not entirely supporting the male community out here. But you are typecasting men as inferior to women. If women can be a slut so can men be a gigolo :D If u say women can cheat so can men, if you are not ready for a baby or you want to prioritize your career, then so can men. Remember, #MyChoice? ;) This tirade you have brought, bears more than whats meets the eye. Instead of showing your bra for a second that was cute but totally irrelevant in the video u could have stood up for education and hygiene awareness among women in the rural areas. Miss you are a celeb,a public figure. Ever wondered how much influence you garner? The kind of impact even your single word would create, could herald a storm of change. Why not lit a candle when all you doing is switch all the available light off. star. Empowering women should have been your primary motive encouraging them to follow their dreams, to dress they feel like,to stand up against male domination, to live freely, not get affected by the society. One of the most important thing that you could have done was to stop women from demanding empowerment but instead earn it. Why said women can't do what men can't? Maybe a different tonality could have won you fans instead of haters.

You have failed miserably Miss Padukone. The daughter of Prakash Padukone, you almost make me feel like comparing you with Vindoo Dara Singh. Both daughter and son of respective legends, both faggots.You cannot stamp things on our head like we are the snowflake and you are the snowfall.
So much hate, negativity that is almost unbearable. Both sexes are equal both should have equal rights. If you have a choice so do we. This urbane video that you have come up with has really made me angry and start writing again to retards like you.Yes I called u a retard#mychoice what u gonna do about it? My choice, if I like fucking other women when in a relationship with other women. My choice if I want to work or sit at home using your income, my choice to do whatever I want. Don’t try to sensationalize the battle of the sexes. Let's just say, blowing off the other persons candle, won't make yours shine any better!

Please enroll for women empowerment classes, maybe I will join in too. A matter of such importance can only be dealt when both men and women endorse each other and not fight each other.


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